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Following a year and a half of devastating challenges posed by a global pandemic and rising economic challenges, lockdowns and travel restrictions, we are now at an inflection point. As we work towards recovery and renewal, there is openness and hunger for a new economic paradigm.

After half a decade of effort by the Africa Islamic Economic Foundation and others worldwide, we have compelling evidence that Islamic economic approaches and models provide powerful and effective answers to the difficult challenges facing Africa today. Equally, it has to be admitted that the Islamic economy is yet to be consolidated into a revised and alternative economic paradigm. This can only be done when it is shown that the roots of the Islamic economy are deeply embedded in the Holy Qur’an and in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, upon whom be peace, which are the commonly shared sources of economic consciousness of all Muslims.

However, every change needs a climate of opinion to accept and consolidate it when it occurs. Therefore, the time has come for us to create such a climate of opinion in all parts of the continent, and move this work to scale and system-level impact. 

To answer this call, the Africa Islamic Economic Foundation is embarking on a new effort to build a media platform for the Islamic economy and a multidisciplinary academic program in Africa.  We want to work closely with allies in both the media and the academic institutions to develop a media platform and a full intellectual program of “system change studies” that can train young scholars, writers and journalists in systemic analysis and thinking, leading in turn to further and ongoing advances in public policy.

Our aim is to help lay the academic foundations for these new systems studies in Africa. This would form the long-haul basis for the deep paradigm shift in thinking that is necessary to combat the neo-liberal economic thought birthed and embedded deep within our political economies and academic institutions.

The restructuring of our weekly newsletter, Focus of Halal Economy, which has, as a result metamorphosed into Focus on the Islamic Economy, and our forthcoming bi-annual academic publication, Issues in the Islamic Economy, are all initial contributions to the intellectual work of this field. By highlighting the thoughtful, substantive, and promising works and ideas of some of the world’s key intellectuals and professionals of the Islamic economy, this platform will convene an essential conversation about the future we want.

Of course, there are many questions that have to be raised, debated and answered by this media platform, including the role of the media in the Islamic economy. As it is well known, media economics is based on advertising revenue. However, in a neo-liberalist economy intensive advertising is used to create demand for goods and services that would otherwise not be made, sold or consumed. Is competition among producers and sellers essential for the optimum use of resources? If so, what should the rules of such competition be? Is modern consumerism compatible with Islam? Can a society in which the primary concern of most of its members is to earn more, buy more and consume more be a balanced and moderate society as expounded in the Holy Qur’an? Can the role of the media primarily be concerned with reeling out profits and growth figures of the Islamic economy?

In such circumstances a media platform which has set for itself the higher goal of offering an alternative economic framework and providing a way forward is of course taking important risks and tasks. We are however compelled to take these risks because we believe the present is not an adequate guide to a bright future. However, if we are taking on this task, which is no doubt greater than our proven ability, we do so not out of sheer arrogance and opportunism but, first, out of a deep sense of commitment to make a better understanding of the Islamic economy, and secondly, to relieve ourselves of the responsibility, which weighs heavily on us as Muslim professionals and intellectuals to use our knowledge of Islam and understanding of the norms of the African society to plan and lay the foundations for a better society.

It is pertinent to mention that we are not aligned with any Government or State Institution, and therefore the writers and ideas we are interested in must be balanced, bold and represent an ethical global worldview. But we instinctively believe that the ultimate way forward may be found through a shift of emphasis: towards society not just individualism, towards responsibilities as well as Rights, and towards meaning and virtue over shallow materialism.

The Focus on Islamic Economy therefore provides a platform for debate amongst experts who wish to air their thoughts and share their insights on Halal economy, its relevance to the SDGs of the United Nations, and its potential role of providing a complementary or alternative framework for development efforts in Africa.

Published every Monday, Focus on the Islamic Economy will feature reports and features articles on Islamic finance, Fintech, Halal industry, Healthcare, Entrepreneurship, Education, Culture, Political economy, Environment and Technology. Its uniqueness probably lies in its mix of content, which provides intellectuals and professionals, policymakers, entrepreneurs and decision-makers with balanced news, reviews, research reports, commentaries and analytical insights, market intelligence, potential leads and other resource information on the Global Islamic economy.

Focus on the Islamic Economy, like all publications is not a passive vehicle; it is everybody’s opportunity to contribute and inform members of the general public about the Isla Economy, etc.  Contributions need not be too lengthy; Articles are usually more readable if the entries are concise and brief.

The Focus on Islamic Economy is your e-publication and we want to share the exciting progress the Islamic Economy is making in Africa!

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Turkey’s Bold Stand Against Israeli Aggression in Gaza: A Call for Global Solidarity




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In the wake of escalating violence and bloodshed in Gaza, Turkey has taken a resolute and commendable stance by halting all trade with Israel. This decision is not merely an economic maneuver; it is a principled stand against the gross violations of human rights and international law perpetrated by the Israeli military against the Palestinian people.

The crisis in Gaza is not new. It is a symptom of the longstanding Israeli occupation and blockade that has suffocated the Gaza Strip for years, leading to the present dire humanitarian conditions for its residents. The Gaza Strip, a small strip of land inhabited by over two million Palestinians, has been the stage for one of the most prolonged and devastating humanitarian crises of our time. For far too long, the world has turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people of Gaza, as they endure relentless attacks, blockade, and systemic oppression.

Six months since the 7 October brutal attack on Israel by Hamas and the Israeli military’s ensuing ground offensive in Gaza, One hundred and thirty four Israeli hostages are still in Hamas’ captivity, of which about 30 are believed dead, and much of Gaza has been turned into a wasteland. Satellite images suggest more than half of all buildings have been destroyed by the Israeli military offensive; the soil and groundwater have been contaminated by munitions and toxins; and, as hunger grips the coastal territory, Israel has been accused of using starvation as a weapon of war and provoking famine in the besieged strip. According to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory the death toll stands at more than 33,000, mostly women and children, and more than 75,000 people have been wounded, with little to no access to medical care as most hospitals are no longer fully operational.

Turkey’s decision to halt all trade with Israel sends a powerful message to the international community: that silence and complicity in the face of Israeli atrocities are no longer acceptable. By taking concrete action to hold Israel accountable for its crimes, Turkey is standing on the right side of history and reaffirming its commitment to justice and solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, Turkey’s stance resonates deeply with the sentiments of some Arab states in the Gulf, who have also condemned Israel’s actions and expressed solidarity with the Palestinians. The Gulf states have a vital role to play in the region, both politically and economically, and their support for the Palestinian cause carries significant weight.

However, mere condemnation is not enough. The Gulf states must follow Turkey’s lead and take tangible steps to pressure Israel to end its illegal occupation and blockade of Palestinian territories. This includes imposing sanctions, divesting from companies that profit from the occupation, and advocating for international accountability through forums like the United Nations.

Moreover, the Gulf states have a moral obligation to address the root causes of the conflict, including the ongoing dispossession of Palestinian land and the denial of Palestinian rights. This requires a concerted effort to support Palestinian statehood and self-determination, based on the principles of justice, equality, and respect for international law.

In the face of Israel’s impunity and the failure of the international community to act, it is imperative for countries like Turkey and the Gulf states to lead by example and mobilize global solidarity for the Palestinian cause. The time for empty rhetoric and diplomatic niceties is over; what is needed now is bold and decisive action to end the suffering of the Palestinian people and achieve a just and lasting peace in the Middle East. Critics may argue that Turkey’s decision will have economic repercussions, but some sacrifices are necessary in the pursuit of justice. Economic interests should never take precedence over fundamental moral principles. By prioritizing human rights over profit margins, Turkey sets a commendable example for other nations to follow.

Turkey’s stance underscores the urgent need for a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The status quo of occupation and oppression is unsustainable and incompatible with the principles of peace and justice. A two-state solution, based on the pre-1967 borders with East Jerusalem as the capital of Palestine, remains the most viable path towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict.

Turkey’s decision to halt all trade with Israel is a courageous and principled stand against injustice. It is a reminder that the struggle for Palestinian rights is not just a moral imperative but also a legal and political obligation for all nations committed to upholding human dignity and international law. The Gulf states must heed this call and join Turkey in taking concrete action to hold Israel accountable and support the Palestinian people in their quest for freedom and justice. Anything short of this would be a betrayal of the values and principles that we claim to uphold as members of the international community.

History will judge nations not by their economic prosperity or military might, but by their commitment to upholding the values of justice, dignity, and human rights. Turkey’s decision to halt trade with Israel is a testament to its unwavering dedication to these principles, and it deserves the support and admiration of all who cherish freedom and equality.

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Ending the Humanitarian Crisis: A Call to End the Genocide in Gaza




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In the heart of the Middle East lies a region torn apart by violence, oppression, and despair. The Gaza Strip, a small strip of land inhabited by over two million Palestinians, has been the stage for one of the most prolonged and devastating humanitarian crises of our time. For far too long, the world has turned a blind eye to the suffering of the people of Gaza, as they endure relentless attacks, blockade, and systemic oppression.

Six months since the 7 October brutal attack on Israel by Hamas and the Israeli military’s ensuing ground offensive in Gaza, One hundred and thirty four Israeli hostages are still in Hamas’ captivity, of which about 30 are believed dead, and much of Gaza has been turned into a wasteland. Satellite images suggest more than half of all buildings have been destroyed by the Israeli military offensive; the soil and groundwater have been contaminated by munitions and toxins; and, as hunger grips the coastal territory, Israel has been accused of using starvation as a weapon of war and provoking famine in the besieged strip. According to the Health Ministry in the Hamas-run territory the death toll stands at more than 33,000, mostly women and children, and more than 75,000 people have been wounded, with little to no access to medical care as most hospitals are no longer fully operational. But it was the last week’s killing of seven aid workers, by the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), six of whom were citizens of allied countries, that has brought about a tipping point. The diplomatic pressure is now being piled on to Israel, with calls for a total ceasefire, release of Hamas held hostages and suspension of  arms exports  to Israel growing louder globally, and particularly, among Israel’s allies, USA, and UK.

Indeed, it is time for the international community to stand up and demand an end to the genocide in Gaza. The situation in Gaza is dire, with the people living under constant fear and deprivation. Since the blockade imposed by Israel following the 7th October, 2023 attack, Gaza has been effectively cut off from the outside world, with severe restrictions on the movement of people and goods. This blockade has led to widespread poverty, unemployment, and a lack of access to basic necessities such as food, water, and healthcare. The people of Gaza are trapped in a cycle of despair, with little hope for a better future. But perhaps the most egregious aspect of the crisis in Gaza is the violence perpetrated against its people.

Over the years, Gaza has been the target of numerous military assaults by the Israeli government, resulting in the deaths of thousands of innocent civilians, including women and children. The use of disproportionate force and collective punishment against the people of Gaza is not only morally reprehensible but also a clear violation of international law. It is time for the international community to take a stand against the genocide in Gaza. The United Nations must uphold its responsibility to protect civilians and demand an immediate end to the violence and blockade. The international community must pressure Israel to lift the blockade and allow unrestricted access to humanitarian aid and essential services. Furthermore, those responsible for war crimes and human rights abuses in Gaza must be held accountable for their actions.

But ending the genocide in Gaza requires more than just condemnation and rhetoric; it requires concrete action. The international community must work towards a just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, based on the principles of justice, equality, and respect for international law. This includes recognizing the rights of the Palestinian people to self-determination and an independent state, with East Jerusalem as its capital. Moreover, it is essential to address the root causes of the conflict, including the illegal occupation of Palestinian territories and the ongoing expansion of Israeli settlements. The international community must exert pressure on Israel to comply with UN resolutions and withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories, including Gaza.

Only through a comprehensive and inclusive peace process can we hope to achieve a sustainable resolution to the conflict and end the suffering of the people of Gaza. In addition to diplomatic efforts, the international community must also provide meaningful support to the people of Gaza. This includes increasing humanitarian aid and development assistance to alleviate the suffering and rebuild the infrastructure destroyed by years of conflict and blockade. It also means supporting civil society organizations and grassroots movements working for peace and justice in Gaza. Ending the genocide in Gaza is not just a moral imperative; it is also in the interest of global peace and security. The continued oppression and violence in Gaza only fuel extremism and instability in the region, posing a threat to the security of all nations. By standing up for the rights of the people of Gaza, we are standing up for the values of justice, equality, and human dignity that define us as a global community. In conclusion, the genocide in Gaza cannot be allowed to continue. The international community must act now to end the violence, lift the blockade, and support the people of Gaza in their quest for justice and freedom. We cannot afford to remain silent in the face of such blatant injustice. It is time to heed the calls of conscience and work towards a brighter and more peaceful future for the people of Gaza and the entire region.

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Observing Laylat al-Qadr: Significance and Practices




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By Amir Yaqub

As the crescent moons wax and wane, marking the passage of Ramadan, there comes a night so profound that its power and blessings eclipse a thousand months. This is Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power, a time when the heavens draw near, the stars align to listen, and the fabric of time itself seems to pause in reverence. The significance and practices of Laylat al-Qadr, the Night of Power, are not just elements of tradition; they are the heartbeats of a faith that transcends time and space, connecting the faithful across continents and generations. Let’s delve into the essence of this sacred night and explore how we can immersely engage with its profound spiritual opportunities.

The Tapestry of Time: Understanding Laylat al-Qadr

Imagine standing under the vast expanse of the night sky, where each star’s twinkle is a story, and the moon is a silent witness to the passage of epochs. Laylat al-Qadr is akin to the brightest comet that passes once a year, illuminating the sky and leaving a trail of blessings in its wake. This night marks the occasion when the Quran was first revealed to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), offering guidance, mercy, and a criterion for right and wrong to humanity.

What is Laylat al-Qadr?

Laylat al-Qadr, known as the Night of Power or the Night of Decree, is considered one of the holiest nights in the Islamic calendar. It falls within the last ten days of Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, during which Muslims fast from dawn until sunset. The exact date of Laylat al-Qadr is not definitively known, but it is most widely believed to occur on one of the odd-numbered nights in the last ten days of Ramadan, with the 27th night being the most traditionally observed among many Muslim communities.

This night commemorates the occasion when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammad by the angel Gabriel. It is described in the Quran as being “better than a thousand months” (Quran 97:3), signifying that the worship and good deeds performed on this night are more rewarding than those performed over a thousand months. Muslims believe that on this night, the divine decrees for the year are sent down, encompassing matters of life, death, and sustenance.

During Laylat al-Qadr, Muslims engage in intensified worship and prayer, seeking God’s forgiveness, mercy, and blessings. Practices include performing extra prayers (especially the night prayer, known as Taraweeh), reciting the Quran, making supplications (duas), and giving in charity. It is a time for reflection, spiritual renewal, and seeking closeness to God, with many Muslims spending the night in prayer and worship at mosques or in their homes.

The Significance and Practices of Laylat al-Qadr

The significance of Laylat al-Qadr cannot be overstated. It is described in the Quran as “better than a thousand months” (Quran 97:3), a period during which acts of worship, prayers, and good deeds are amplified beyond our understanding. This is a night that encapsulates mercy, forgiveness, and hope for the faithful, offering a unique opportunity to reconnect with the divine, seek forgiveness for past transgressions, and make earnest prayers for the future.

Practices to Embrace the Night of Power

Engaging with Laylat al-Qadr involves both the heart and the deeds. It is a time for deep reflection, fervent prayer, and acts of charity, enveloped in the tranquility of the night. Here are practices to help you honor this sacred time:

  1. Vigilant Prayer (Qiyam al-Layl): Engage in night prayers beyond the obligatory five daily prayers. It’s like whispering into the night, knowing that the divine is listening, closer than ever.
  2. Recitation and Reflection on the Quran: Dive into the depths of the Quran, not just reciting its verses but reflecting on their meanings. Imagine each word as a drop of rain nourishing the soil of your soul.
  3. Seeking Forgiveness (Istighfar): Use this night to seek forgiveness for past mistakes. It’s akin to cleansing oneself in a pristine stream, emerging purified and renewed.
  4. Dua (Supplication): Pour your heart out in dua, asking for your deepest wishes, for yourself, your loved ones, and the world. Picture each prayer as a bird, soaring high and carrying your hopes towards the heavens.
  5. Charity (Sadaqah): Give generously, for acts of charity on Laylat al-Qadr are like seeds sown in fertile ground, promising abundant harvests of reward.

The Storytelling Heart of Laylat al-Qadr

Every year, as Laylat al-Qadr approaches, the air fills with anticipation and hope. It is said that during this night, the angels descend to earth, carrying with them peace and blessings until the break of dawn. Imagine a night so peaceful that even the trees seem to bow in prayer, and the wind whispers sacred melodies.

The Lasting Echoes of the Night of Power

As the dawn of Laylat al-Qadr fades, its blessings and lessons continue to resonate throughout the year. Engaging with the practices of this night is not just about a momentary spiritual uplift; it’s about weaving the essence of Laylat al-Qadr into the fabric of our daily lives, transforming our actions, intentions, and relationships.

“The Night of Power: Significance and Practices of Laylat al-Qadr” is a reminder of the boundless mercy awaiting us, a call to seek the divine with sincere hearts, and a testament to the transformative power of faith. Let this Laylat al-Qadr be a turning point, a night of deep reflection, heartfelt prayers, and a renewed commitment to spiritual growth. May the peace and blessings of this holy night envelop you and your loved ones, guiding you towards a path of righteousness and serenity.

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